At ReLace, our mission is to protect our planet by recycling shoes and providing reusable shoes to families with limited means in our community. By saving shoes from the landfill, we help reduce the release of toxic chemicals into our environment.
In 2023, we started partnering with gyms and schools. Our partners have allowed us to place donation bins in convenient locations for people to leave their unwanted and unloved athletic shoes. Placing bins in convenient locations makes it easier for everyone in our community to make a difference.
Most shoes ReLace collects are unable to be re-worn and end up being recycled. These shoes are then shipped to a facility where they are taken apart. Then the shoe material is shipped to shoe production facilities. By reusing materials, we eliminate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions needed to make the one shoe.
Every year, more than 20 billion shoes are manufactured around the world. The manufacturing process releases large amounts of carbon dioxide, responsible for 1.4% of greenhouse gas emissions globally.
Every pair of sneakers that is thrown in the landfill generates 30 lbs of CO2 emissions. To put it into perspective, 30 lb of CO2 environmental impact is equal to keeping a 100-watt light bulb on for a week.
In the first few months of collecting shoes, we noticed how many shoes were reusable. We believed that it was a waste to recycle these shoes when they were already able to be worn. In a few weeks, we partnered with Compass SF to donate any new or lightly used shoes to the people they support. We thank everyone who is supporting our mission to help our community.